We are located just outside the nation’s capital in Bowie, Maryland. Image Plus Studio offers a multi-purpose 3,000 square foot space. We combine functionality with the fashionable in a large, modern, fully renovated studio space available to fit your needs including a custom-made 25' x 20' cyclorama wall. Conveniently built into the space, is a fully furnished hair and makeup suite and a modern lounge area where your guests can wait comfortably.
Included with every studio session you book, whether or not you have a MEMBERSHIP are high quality, state of the art photography and videography equipment to help you create beautiful, professional images and to make for an easy no hassle experience. You will have access to equipment such as multiple Profoto D2 1000, a Profoto 5 foot Octobox and a Profoto Snoot for Zoom Reflector just to name a few. Image Plus Studio is a fantastic studio for almost anything you could think of as a visual creator. If somehow you find that our extensive equipment that we include isn't enough for your project, we have more items available for rent as well. View those items available on the RENTALS page. Listed below are the items included with booking a Image Plus Studio session.
4 Profoto D2 1000
Profoto D1 1000
Profoto 5 foot Octobox
Profoto 3 foot Octobox
3x4 Profoto Softbox with Grid
2x3 Profoto Softbox with Grid
1x6 Profoto Softboxes with Grids
1x4 Profoto Softboxes with Grids
2 XL Profoto Umbrella Deep Silver
2 XL Profoto Umbrella Diffuser 1.5
2 Profoto Deep Silver Medium
2 Profoto Umbrella Medium Diffusers 1.5
Lastolite Eye lighter with Silver & White Diffuser
Profoto Zoom Reflector
Profoto 10 Degree Grids for Zoom Reflector
Profoto Magnum Zoom Reflector
Mola Setti Beauty Dish with Grid 28” White
Profoto Softlight Silver Beauty Dish w/ 25 ° Grid
Profoto Fresnel Spot
Profoto Air Remote For All Cameras
Sekonic 758c Light Meter
Profoto Snoot for Zoom Reflector
2 Profoto Barn Door Zoom
8x8 Diffusion Square
Profoto Hard box
6 Matthew C Stands
2 Impact C Stands
2 Matthew Baby Jr. Rolling Stands
Avenger 12.8 Foot Wind Up Stand
Avenger 8.5 Foot Wind Up Stand
Matthews Baby Boom
Matthews Mini Boom
Impact 4 Foot Low Boy Folding Wheel Stand
Studio Stand with Pro Media Gear Ball Head
25x20 Cyclorama Wall
Apple boxes
Posing boxes
Stools and chairs
Multiple grip heads
Fog Machine
Haze Machine
Snow Machine
Strobe lights
Multiple grip heads
Wireless Receivers
Assortment of Gaffer tape
Various color background paper
Assortment of black & white V flats